Jahara Kali Temple
Situated near the bank of Mahananda river and around 6 km south-east of Malda Town surrounded by deep Mango forest. It is believed that The Goddess Jahara Kali has cured many patients having chronic disease not cured by medical treatment. Hence people from all relegious faith comes to visit Jahara Ma.
Time to visit: Every year thousands of devotees come to pray on each Tuesday and Saturday during the month of Baishakh (first month of Bengali Calendar).
Communication facility: Private carraiges like Car, Auto-ricksaw, Toto, Horse-cart etc available from Private Bus Stand (Atul Market).
Two more almost unknown Temples but rich with Terracotta Works and decoration with Brick needs to be mentioned here.
First one is situated in the Gobindapur village, within a kilometer towards east from Jahara Temple. It is around 12 meters tall. According to local people and it's architectural style, the temple might have been built in mid 18th Century and can be treated as the best temple in Malda. There is no idol of any God but it was believed to be a Shiva Temple, according to local people.
Another Temple, well decorated but not much known to visitors and researchers, located at Malopara, at the southern part of Sahapur. It is a small Shiv Temple built by Sri Ramchandra Dev in 1840 AD, rich fore-father of one local Chatterjees. The temple is enriched with Terracotta works and can be treated as a cultural asset. Curved sculptures of Hidnu God & Goddess along with plants & trees in the gate and on lintel are very attractive.