Activities of Gram Panchayat
Milki Gram Panchayat under Englishbazar Development Block of Malda District is a rural Gram Panchayat with population of 45325 (approximately), in which 61% belongs to Minority Community and economically backward categories. As per Socio Economic Census Report 2011, no. of 3,515 beneficiaries were identified as eligible for providing Housing Schemes. Thereafter during 2016-2019 financial year, no. of 1926 beneficiaries were selected as per priority list to provide benefit of this housing scheme. Current house status and other eligibility criteria were verified very carefully before registration of beneficiaries through Awaas App and the work of Geo-tagging was also done simultaneously. After sanction of houses from the concerned Department awareness campaign with beneficiaries was arranged at Gram Panchayat end to aware all beneficiaries about the model plan of houses under PMAY-G scheme with sanitary toilet and L.P.G slab, and about the offer of new L.P.G connection free of cost for them.
Unique Story
For smooth implementation of this housing scheme, a team with community facilitator (C.F.), members of S.H.G.s, Pradhan of Gram Panchayat, Members of Gram Panchayat, Gram Panchayat Official (termed as G.P Nodal Officer of Housing scheme), Block Official (termed as Micro officer of Housing) was setup. Every individual of above team performed a specific role, such as publicity and awareness generation among beneficiaries, providing all type supports to ensure to bring every eligible beneficiary under this scheme. Community Facilitator (C.F) and the member of S.H.G.s performed a great role for execution of this scheme. They were engaged as Geo-tagger who sincerely performed Geo-tagging activities, motivated the unwilling beneficiaries, supported beneficiaries by providing loans from Self Help Group if required and worked as a bridge between beneficiaries and Block or Panchayat administration under the supervision of G.P. Nodal officer and Micro officer.
Difficulties faced during implementation of this scheme:
- Beneficiaries faced difficulties after starting construction of their houses during demonetization situation at a certain time for limitation in withdrawal of money.
- Lack of bricks laborers – At a certain time, brick fields become out of bricks and laborer crisis due to huge number of construction start at a time.
Special House Design (Model Plan) used:
A model plan with one room, LPG slab and toilet for PMAY-G house construction was provided as a leaflet to all beneficiaries to follow.